Nordstrom & Shoes That Fit

“Thank you so much for my new shoes. I absolutely love them. They are the coolest pair of shoes I have ever had.” Mika

This is Nordstrom's 14th year partnering with Shoes That Fit! During the course of our partnership, the Nordstrom community has helped over 380,000 kids across the U.S. receive new shoes. This year, we were excited to partner with Nordstrom to raise $1 million dollars and provide brand new athletic shoes to 50,000 kids this fall.

News & Stories

Delaware News

Jayme Govens leads sock drive for Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc.

Jayme Govens, Youth Advisor for Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Epsilon Rho Zeta Chapter, led…

Friends Create a Book Club to Empower Kids!

Matt Eastman and Luke Johnson met while playing summer collegiate baseball in Geneva, New York.…

New Shoes for All 1,500 Students at San Bernardino High

June 17, 2024 A generous alumni donor recently funded new shoes for all 1,500 students…

Your gift helps kids attend school with joy, dignity, and confidence!